It’s A Too Cool Stamping Day—Awesome New Hostess Rewards!

Today is a Too Cool day in the Stampin' Up! world! 

The new 2011-2012 Idea Book & Catalog is being officially released!  Woohoo!  It's scheduled to be unveiled around noon today, so say tuned and check back to my Too Cool Stampin' Up! website for more details as they are updated!  You will also be able to find up-to-date details at the Stampin' Up! company website later today. (And, I'll be posting links and more information on this blog, of course, but it won't be until later.)

Awesome New Hostess Reward Program

As if the introduction of the new catalog wasn't fantastic enough, there are even more exciting changes happening today!  There is also the premiere of the brand new Hostess Benefit Program that gives hostesses MORE DOLLARS to spend and UNLIMITED CHOICES on how to spend those dollars

It's bigger and better than ever before!  Just look at all stamping bucks you'll be able to spend…!

Hostess benefits chart 2011

Hostess Dollars: Those hostess dollars are good for spending on ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, in ANY current catalog

Previously, at the minimum qualifying amount, you would only have $15 dollars to spend on your choice of merchandise, so now hostesses have more dollars and unlimited choices on their FREE selections!  And, as you have larger workshop orders, you have more dollars to spend than ever before!

That's fantastic all by itself!  But, there's even more!

Hostess-Exclusive Merchandise: The new catalog features a terrific, all-new selection of Hostess-Exclusive Merchandise!  Previously, you had a small selection of stamps that you could qualify to choose from, which was very restrictive.  Now, you'll have a special hostess-only section of the catalog that you can shop using your earned Hostess Dollars! 

That's right, you'll be able to CHOOSE whether you want to use your rewards to buy Hostess items or ANY other items from ANY current catalog!  You'll have UNLIMITED selection for your shopping spree!

But, wait, there's more!

The best part is that the cost of Hostess-Exclusive Merchandise is significantly discounted off of the retail value, so you're Hostess Dollars will go even further when you spend them on these items!  Woohoo! 

And, you're gonna love the new Hostess-Only stamp sets—they are cute, cute, cute!  You'll want to schedule your new catalog workshop right away to get your hands on this fun stuff!  Contact me today to get on the calendar!

More, more, more, more…

50% Off Items:  When hostesses have at least a $400 workshop, they'll earn even more!  They can qualify to earn full-price items at 50% off the regular price

What?!  Are you kidding me?!!!!  Do you realize what this means?  ANYTHING at 50% off?

It means that the Big Shot would only be $49.98! 

Or, the complete Many Marvelous Markers Set would only be $54.98!

Or, the complete My Digital Studio papercrafting software would only be $39.98!

Or, ANYTHING you want from the catalog, no matter how big or small…half price!  Whoa!

I Love This New Hostess Benefits Program!

This new program is so awesome!  More dollars, more choices, more free stuff for YOU!  Think about all of the possibilities you now have to earn all the items on your wishlist (and it will only be growing with the new catalog items coming today!) for FREE or at a 50% discount! 

It's never been more exciting and rewarding to be a Stampin' Up! Hostess!

Contact me today to schedule a workshop with your friends in July or August!

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What do you think about the new Hostess Benefits program?  I'd love to hear your comments below. 

There's more exciting announcements coming soon!  If you've ever thought about signing up to be a demonstrator, you'll want to stay tuned for sure!



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